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Surgical approach to congenital vallecular cyst with concomitant laryngomalacia
*Corresponding author: Utpal Sarmah, Department of Pediatric ENT, Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
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How to cite this article: Kurup B, Sarmah U, Prabhat D, Pereira C. Surgical approach to congenital vallecular cyst with concomitant laryngomalacia. Wadia J Women Child Health 2023;2(2):106-7.
A 10-day-old girl, brought with stridor, feeding difficulties, and persistent cough, tachypnea along with suprasternal and subcostal retractions. Airway assessment revealed a left vallecular cyst pressing on the lingual surface of the epiglottis leading to Type 3 laryngomalacia (posteriorly displaced floppy epiglottis) in addition to bilateral short ary-epiglottic folds (Type 2 Laryngomalacia), further narrowing the upper airway [Figure 1a]. The vallecular cyst was marsupialised with cauterization of the base [Figure 1b]. The short aryepiglottic folds were cut on both sides using microlaryngoscopy scissors and epiglottopexy was performed using 16G needles and 2-0 prolene sutures that were buried beneath the anterior neck skin crease above the level of thyroid cartilage to further widen the supraglottic airway [Figure 1a-d]. The baby recovered well and was completely weaned off oxygen by the 4th postoperative day. Vallecular cyst is a rare cause of neonatal airway obstruction (1.87–3.49 cases per 100,000 live births).[1] In addition to cyst marsupialization, supraglottoplasty with epiglottopexy is the mainstay of treatment of vallecular cyst with concomitant severe type 3 laryngomalacia.[2]
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